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jeudi, décembre 15, 2005

MSN Alert

As you can see on the right top of the blog, you have an icon like that one:
Vous pouvez voir des maintenants en haut à droite du blog un icone comme ca:
MSN Alerts

By clicking on it, you will get MSN alert when I update my blog !!
En cliquant dessus, vous aurez des MSN alert lorsque mon blog se met à jour.

mercredi, décembre 07, 2005

Photos of Van Damme Hard Corps

What a great news :
New photos of Van Damme in the movie Hard Corps... These photos have been posted at this address:
Photos provided by Donald Munro (Publicist of the Hard Corps)

For the bad news, Wesley Snipe will not be part of the casting (in contrary with the previous post about an article on Complete information will come soon !

Then, I made these wallpapers based with the previous pictures :